Wednesday, March 25, 2009

X Marks The Spot

I watched the Biggest Loser last night.

While they were sweating and struggling,
I couldn't help by wonder why I was
still sitting on my big butt,
waiting for miracles to happen.

I realized that if these people
can move enough to get exercise,
then I have no excuses such as:
"I'm tired",
"I don't have time",

"I don't have a gym membership."

It's excuses that got me fat.

"I can't throw away the last two slices of pizza."
"That piece of pie was so good, I have to have another."

"It's the weekend, so I'm gonna splurge."

What one contestant said last night
hit home with me:
"Every day you must make a conscious decision about your life."

I know it's easy to get caught up
in celebrations and rewards
and stress-
and usually food is the crutch that
most people lean on.

it's time to quit.

It's time to look toward tomorrow
and envision where you want to be.
Who you want to be.

Personally, I want the letter "X"
to be totally eradicated from the tags
of my wardrobe.
No XL underwear,
no XXL sweat pants,
no size X tops
or tanks
or belts!

"X" marks the spot
where I must begin
to make changes!

I decided that I will take time
each morning
to evaluate my day.
I must meet it head on
and be prepared for the challenges.

I have to "Think"
before I "Do".

"Is this healthy for me?"
"Do I really need another serving?"
"Won't the fat free salad dressing be better for me?"
"Remember to fill up on the veggie tray at tonight's party instead of the dessert tray."
"I can walk across the parking lot- it's a beautiful day out."

All I have to do is make it through
24 hours at a time-
and then start a new day tomorrow.

Tomorrows add up pretty quickly.
Look how fast almost 100 days has gone.


And you know what?
It never-ever
hurts to pray.


sisterlinda said...

With Spring here we are OUT of excuses. Let's just put the old sneakers on and get to moving!

I still have visions of the 100 mile yard sale dancing in my head....visions of a thinner me with more energy. DANG....I better find those sneakers NOW!