Monday, March 2, 2009

Book Shelf Buys

I've run across a new book
that may be just what some of
you dieters are looking for.

The title: Eat This, Not That,
is pretty self-explanatory
and is chock-full of
good information about
food choices.
The author is David Zinczenko.
(Go to to search
inside this book.)

This book contains easy
language, color photos,
organized chapters, and more
facts than I can ingest in one sitting.

It's for those of us that are
spending days in the grocery store
trying to figure out what is good for us
and what to steer away from.

For example- (and not to pick on Kellogg),
but if you were to see Smart Start cereal
on the grocery shelf, you might assume
that is is a good choice.
However, David says that:
"Despite Kellogg's loaded health claims
about this cereal, sugar and other sweetener's

show up no fewer than 10 times
the ingredient list."

And about Sarah Lee Plain Deluxe Bagels,
David claims that:
"This giant wad of bleached flour will
send a sugar load into your bloodstream

so fast that the button might fly right
off your jeans."

I like this David guy.
He's done all the legwork for us.
Not only for those wanting to lose weight,
but to help us make better choices
for our children and those who have
health problems such as diabetes
and high blood pressure.

Did you know that canned pineapple
can contain 20 percent moldy fruit?
That is well within the FDA limits.
It also regulates that potato chips
may legally consist of 6 percent
rotten potatoes.

The book provides color pictures
of popular items such as beverages,
breads, fruits, frozen meals, jellies,
beer, and soups.
And it tells you if it's the best choice
or an item you should pass on.

I can't wait to sit down
and actually read this cover to cover.
I spent an hour just looking at the
photos and reading the highlighted facts.

I spent $13 for this paperback at WalMart,
and at first I was afraid my money was wasted.
But I realize that this has given me power
over the manufacturers who try to deceive us
into believing the "all natural, organic,
or heart healthy claims.
Plus, I will gain a bit more knowledge
about the food I bring into my home.

Eat This, Not That Supermarket Survival Guide.

That's my book report for today.

Keep up the good work!
143 days to go!


sisterlinda said...

Thanks for the info. I know there are times that I could be making a better choice on what to eat. The guide would be a big help. For now I am staying away from the things I KNOW I should not eat like sweets and breads and pizzas and pasta.

143 to go...dang that means at 1 pound per week that will be 20 more pounds! Now, when I put it that way it seems like something I CAN do....something we can ALL do.

See you at the finish line!