Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Month Bites The Dust

February wasn't fabulous.
The scale barely moved.

But now I realize
it's because I rarely moved!

Exercise has to be part of
the formula,
or this diet thing never
adds up.

Eat less.
Move more.

I am definitely eating less.
Went from a lunch that consisted of
two hot dogs with chili and cheese,
a stack of fries
and a shake-
to a pita salad and ice water.

I'm just not moving enough.
I am looking forward to warmer weather
because I enjoy walking
and in the past it was walking
that helped me get into a smaller size.

I always wanted to be really toned
but at my age I wonder if its possible.
Gravity has done it's damage
and unless I get some nip-tuck done,
I'll have to continue covering up.

But hopefully in smaller sized clothing.

Do whatever helps you gain the exercise you need.
Be it palates, tennis, the gym, or treadmill.
Be consistent.
Be bold.
Put time in your daily calendar
to sweat and heave.

February is leaving.
March begins.
Our journey continues.

But remember-
the scale won't move
unless you do.