Monday, February 2, 2009

Adjusting My Compass

Okay, folks-
I'm just gonna be forthright and just spit it out (which is what I should have been doing more of all weekend!)
I partook in unfavorable nutritional choices the last two days.

In other words- I cheated on my diet.
I wandered from the path and was temporarily lost.

Oh my gosh, I just hate the word cheat.
It's so villainous sounding- like I've put on a hooded cloak or a face mask and went around sneaking giant bites of a sub sandwich hidden in my armpit.
It sounds like I stuffed my bra with Cheetos and cowered in the bathroom stall somewhere until I finished every crumb.
I picture a big fat red devil woman cackling insanely as she devours the entire Dairy Queen menu.

When the word cheat is used, it sounds so criminal, so permanent, so unforgiving.

But, today I am forgiving myself.
I am looking myself in the eye and regaining control again.
If I can't at least do that, then I'm screwed.

That's how this crazy diet thing is done.
You have to be able to pick yourself up, brush yourself off
and start the journey again on the right foot.

I had a wedding reception to attend Saturday night and decided to have the BBQ and mashed potatoes.
That was probably well within limits.
And I had a small slice of wedding cake, which was totally acceptable. (A month ago I would have picked the largest slice- twice!)
It's just the three margaritas afterwards and the hot wings during the Super Bowl that has caused me to regroup this morning.

But on the big chalkboard of life, I just have to erase the weekend.
Let it go.

It could have been worse.
I could have binged all day.
If I hadn't held the reigns somewhat firmly, the whole wagon would have crashed off the edge of the cliff and I'd be a hypocrite trying to tell you all how easy this journey can be.

I got my skinny jeans out of the closet this morning and rocked them gently.
I pulled out old photos of thinner days and kissed them softly.
I breathed deep, showered, got dressed, put on makeup and fixed my hair.

Then I walked out of the woods,
smiled confidently-
and stepped back onto the trail again.


sisterlinda said...

Well, I was a partner in part of your weekend. I too am guilty of the bar-b-q, potatoes, wedding cake and the margaritas.

We will just pull up these big girl panties,look ourselves in the mirror and promise to do better.

Look at it this way, we could have fallen off the hay wagon but it was just a small fall off a little red radio flyer....easier to get back on and continue this journey.

See you at the finish line!