Friday, July 17, 2009

Inches vs. Pounds

While I was huffing and puffing
like the Big Bad Wolf
through my Curves routine
the other day,
I happened to mention the
always-dreaded bathroom scale.

And about that time,
our fantastic Curves leader
overheard me
and suggested that
I throw that scale away!

I am losing inches!
What do pounds matter?

And I am getting stronger every day!

Yes, it got me to thinking
how that might come into play
during my everyday life.

...I'm visiting the Empire State Building...
A railing breaks...I plummet down two stories
where I finally reach for a flag pole...I cling there
above the bustling city...100 stories high...for hours.
But, hey- if it wasn't for Curves, my grip would
have failed in the first 15 seconds!

...I'm traveling the back roads of America...
I reach a desolate, remote area and have to cross
a bridge...There's a load limit.
My weight would be too much for the structure,
but my inches are fine.
What should I do?.....

Don't get me wrong-
I love Curves
and I love the fact that
I've actually lost inches,
but, let's face it.

The scale does matter.

To say the scale doesn't matter
is like saying your hair doesn't matter
when you're dressing for the day.
It's like saying cheese doesn't matter
as long as you have pizza sauce.

To me, they coincide.
They work together
to build a better me.

I do hate the scale,
but it does tell the truth-
and even if it's an ugly truth,
I'm willing to take it.


Does it matter?


I mean, a 500 pound
Popeye is still gonna be unattractive.


sisterlinda said...

If I could have a 24 inch waist and 36 inch hips I really wouldn't care if I was 30 pounds overweight! The problem is if that weight is not on my waist or hips it would probably all be on my arms and face! HELP!

We all like to see that scale budge....budge downward! It WILL happen....patience!

Keep up the good work! Just a week left of this 200 day journey. Keep on keepin on!

Anonymous said...

I think the way that you do...Why do they say that the scale does not count, cause I SAY IT DOES~!! I am just regimented to it and I cannot let it go! Glad you are in Curves, wish I were...Good luck