Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't Invite Trouble

I am so proud of myself
that I did not eat even
one single chocolate bunny
all weekend!

Of course, the kids weren't here
and I didn't get them baskets,
so there weren't any
cocoa covered rabbits
hopping around the house
to even tempt me.

That's the secret to a successful diet.
Don't bring it into the house.
Don't even buy it at all.

I've had problems in the past
by convincing myself
that if I buy a dozen donuts,
I'll just eat one
and let the kids
consume the rest.

Never happens.

There is always that last donut
(or two)
that catches your eye
when you go to fill
your coffee cup
or visit the kitchen
to grab another bowl
of wheat germ.

Wheat Germ?
Wheat Germ?
Which should I choose?

I can tell you, nine times out of ten
the donut always speaks the loudest.

That's a weird thing about food.
It talks.
The bad thing is,
that unhealthy foods
have survived by learning
to speak louder,
be more convincing,
and are just naturally more

I have never once
gone into the kitchen
and heard the prunes
talking to me.
Or the oatmeal
or the spinach.

It's always the sweet,
the gooey,
the iced, frosted,
and surgary foods
that speak my kind of

That's why,
you simply cannot
invite them into your life!
They're no good for you.
They'll just bring you down
and ruin your relationship
with the healthy food group.

More than one donut
or cookie
or piece of cake
is a gang!
A notorious-
conniving gang!
And no good will come of
your association with it.

So, I've learned the hard way
and hope you'll heed my warning.

Stay out of the Dunkin' Donut hood-
The life you save
may be your own.


sisterlinda said...

Good advice. Don't even bring those sugary monsters into your home! You must be right, about them being able to talk, I always seem to hear the sweet cereal or the frozen pancakes....I still have a home with those sugary monsters....they need to learn to shut the hell up!

I have NEVER invited trouble into my life...trouble just always seems to find ME! Touble has found my legs, hips, arms, belly, neck, chin, face, butt......